Please don’t mix traditionalism with anti-vaxxers

Observing the evolution of the civil debate, which is neither civil nor a debate anymore. There are two camps. A mainstream where intellectual elites reign, handing down their indisputable truths. The dreaded populists as a reactionary force, reacting vehemently. Against everything. There’s little room for dialogue or perspective: as a predictable consequence plenty of mistakes are made, although the former errs in a more sophisticated manner, the latter’s blunders are easier to unmask. The same phenomenon is underway within the Catholic Church, in parallel. Judging by appearances the World has already won the war. Key players in the hierarchy blabber about immigration, ecology, the European Union, “social justice”, inclusion (which is a code word…

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The Pope from the end of the world. And a Catholic Church split between doomsayers and downplayers

…But today Catholics are facing a new fear: the idea that there’s no path for resistance, that things have changed so much that this time the Church isn’t gonna make it. This would be a sign of the End of the World; a world so profoundly corrupt it cannot function anymore. There are two distinct, disturbing trends developing. On opposite sides, and yet showing a striking similarity in a crucial element: fatalism. Two models we could describe as follows: A. Downplayers: “move on, nothing to see here” types, who insist there’s nothing you should do, beyond praying of course. B. Doomsayers: those who can find the Antichrist anywhere and everywhere……

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