Never underestimate a dumpster fire

You can’t spell doom without BS, and BS is bound to become the Democrat nominee for President. But wait, it gets worse. Yes, this time Bernie Sanders has a real shot at becoming the next President of the United States. Despite the spectacular Trump performance so far, but thanks to Coronavirus Covid-19. First of all, the nomination. The Democrat camp looks like a train wreckage engulfed in a dumpster fire surrounded by diseased hyenas gloomily laughing at the whole spectacle (I don’t do drugs, BTW). Briefly, here’s my assessment, as seen from the point of view of a total outsider, considering the main contenders: – Joe Biden: a pathological liar,…

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The toxic Democrat-Media Complex is reaching new lows

Reza Aslan on Twitter commenting on the photo of the elder Native American harassing the smiling Catholic boy: suggesting the boy should be punched

This week in crazy. A group of young teenagers from a Kentucky Catholic high school went to Washington for the annual March for Life. Which is both commendable from the point of view of decent human beings and a grave sin as seen from the Left.   After the March, waiting for their bus, they began to sing a few songs from their school repertoire. Most of them were wearing a MAGA hat, which these days means asking for trouble. They were recognizable as Christians and Right wing, therefore apparently became a magnet for all sorts of crazies wandering the area. On one side there was a tiny group of loony…

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