Pseudo-Homilies 23 – The Pearl

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A As always, once again I will make an exception to the rule I have given myself, and I won’t focus on a single theme. At least I’d hope to be concise, but even that would be a (desired, unlikely) change.   On predestination (reprise) Our first topic comes from the Second Reading, which in a way represents a continuation of our discourse on predestination addressed in the previous article. In fact St. Paul in the Letter to the Romans parallels these two planes, which seem impossible to reconcile: the eternity of the creation, whereby God “already” knew everything “immediately”, and our becoming. Are…

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Pseudo-Homilies 22 – The Sower II

Actually I wanted to call it The Sower II – Revenge of the Sower. But then I realized that these stupid jokes were better left unsaid. Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A In this case the readings revolve around a main parable, which once again presents Jesus as the Sower, introduced by short passages which explain how God brings together his perfect justice and his unique mercy, accompanied by the insertion of two very short parables. The Kingdom of God seen as a small mustard seed that grows into a large tree, and again: the Kingdom, or the Church, like leaven, which, despite being a small quantity, makes the…

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