Trump will win this election, again

Yes, I know this time it’s an easier prediction, but I hesitated for months to call this race because I feared the one element that I felt was impossible to control or factor in: cheating, as per the 2020 example. But this time it’s different. Slightly less opportunities for cheating since there’s no Covid excuse; plenty of reasons for everyday Americans wanting, again, to send a strong signal of disapproval to Washington DC. Notwithstanding the crazed reactions from the, admittedly large, leftist bubble. The Deep Heart of America is absolutely enraged against the Deep State.   Here’s my audio contribution, where I try to set the stage as seen from…

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Podcast: On Trump vs. Biden, insane comments

Mark Cuban on Trump vs. Biden debate, in a tweet

Let’s try this experiment: my comments in audio format, since I cannot seem to be able to find enough time to write things down. Presenting my ideas on the recent debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. I’m focusing on a comment made by Mark Cuban that I found particularly egregious (as many are, these days) in not just missing the point, but reversing a perception of reality. How can you possibly, in the same breath, say that Biden had that kind of awful performance, but he’s not the guy people around the world laugh at? And don’t get me started on who’s the “liar”! Here’s the tweet. You be…

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Trump vs. Biden: is the incumbent underdog gonna make it, again?

I believe Trump’s gonna win the re-election, polls notwithstanding. A quick recap: last time around, I was one of the first few people to anticipate Trump’s victory, just days after he entered the 2015 Primary race. Being Italian I couldn’t vote, but -next best thing- I at least bet on the outcome (they had to pay my bet 31-to-1). I gave some of the reasons in advance, although I postponed indefinitely explaining the real, deepest motivation for my conviction. This time I’m really not 100% convinced: I still have some limited respect for the sense of decency of some of the mainstream pollsters, despite the fact that after the 2016…

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Biden vs. Trump: a reality check

Check your premises. Let’s examine the issues methodically, focusing on something simple, verifiable and straightforward, then considering the ramifications. I’m an outsider, living in Europe, and I believe looking at things from a distance may help. Scene from the last Presidential Debate: Biden shouts confidently: “I never said I oppose fracking.” Trump complains and says that’s on tape. Biden challenges him to show the alleged tape. After the debate, of course the Trump campaign obliges. Case closed, right? This reminds me of what David Wood says about Muslim apologists: they make up stuff that sounds ludicrous to anyone in the know, but their astounding confidence is the only thing that…

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Never underestimate a dumpster fire

You can’t spell doom without BS, and BS is bound to become the Democrat nominee for President. But wait, it gets worse. Yes, this time Bernie Sanders has a real shot at becoming the next President of the United States. Despite the spectacular Trump performance so far, but thanks to Coronavirus Covid-19. First of all, the nomination. The Democrat camp looks like a train wreckage engulfed in a dumpster fire surrounded by diseased hyenas gloomily laughing at the whole spectacle (I don’t do drugs, BTW). Briefly, here’s my assessment, as seen from the point of view of a total outsider, considering the main contenders: – Joe Biden: a pathological liar,…

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The US Media Circus & Trump, as seen from abroad

People attending Trump's Presidential Inauguration

Since I kept a close eye on the US Presidential Election, especially for an Italian, but I didn’t report of the events unfolding from the actual election itself on November 9 to yesterday’s Presidential Inauguration, many fellow foreigners may now ask: what happened during this transition? The short answer is “not much”.     The Trump team was busy putting together a cabinet that seems quite solid and trying to keep the promise of bringing a new approach to politics. Case in point, Trump nominated Scott Pruitt as head of the Environmental Protection Agency, and this move was widely criticized because Pruitt himself previously sued the EPA (alongside many other…

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Trump is the answer to Obama

Barack Obama looking out of the window at the White House; the shiny figure of Donald Trump emerging

Today is the last day in office for President Obama. It’s been more than 2 months since the election, and yet his supporters are still moping and complaining because Trump won.   In many ways, Donald Trump is the exact opposite of Barack Obama: a reaction if you will. In other aspects, though, he’s a natural successor: another pop icon, the type of personality that could win after Obama paved the way for this new approach to politics and popularity.   Here’s some quick points to raise about their similarities and differences.         New media and the young vote. Barack was able to prevail over a decrepit adversary like…

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Diversity, fake news and false empathy

University of Michigan map of the USA highlighting how in most of the counties Trump won

Diversity theater If you want to understand what it means to live in a bubble, consider this episode: a few days ago Vice President Elect Mike Pence fancied to spend a little time relaxing with his family and they went to a theater; to a musical about the life of Alexander Hamilton, no less. He got booed by people in the audience, then after the show the entire cast proceeded to scold him, with a sort of partisan official statement, under the guise of asking for an adequate protection for every citizen (and the planet!) in the name of diversity. In other words, you are racists, enemies of all that is good, by…

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The day when FiveThirtyEight and the pollsters bombed

Trump won, 538 experts lost.

This is a story of people looking down on you. More than that, this is a story of fake scientific data and deception. This is about those who tried to control the result of the election. And lost anyway. I’ve been dreaming of writing this very article for months. All those experts, day after day condescendingly belittling people like me, who wouldn’t be convinced to accept the reality of their data…   Now it’s time for a little revenge. A sweet opportunity to unload all the frustration of the last months. They won’t mind: they still have all the clout and visibility in the world, plus they have all the…

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Let me gloat. Trump won. I won!

As you may or may not know, in July 2015 I bet on Trump’s victory. Today, thanks to Donald Trump’s triumph, I won more than enough money to cover all the expenses incurred during the a recent tour trip to the USA that me and my wife took in September. I dubbed it “Our Donald Trump Trip” for obvious reasons.   Now I feel the need to celebrate the victory.   (All photos are © 2016 Alessandro Grasso.)   Thanks Donald!   It’s been a hell of a ride. Even if I’m living in Italy I followed the election very closely; not just because this was set to be the…

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Clinton email scandals? Much ado about everything

Democratic Party Election Strategy in 8 years increments

And so we got to Election Day. Americans have been served useful distractions by a complacent media machine. Anyone who wanted to, had the opportunity to catch wind of the multiple Clinton scandals, granted; but the details are often too intricate for the average person’s attention span. Confusion→ uncertainty→ irrelevance. And if you lean Democrat, journalists give you plenty of excuses to banish the uncomfortable thought.   The idea was to sell a stripped down message: Hillary is a woman (!) and is supposed to be about all the usual Democratic Party policies. That’s it. And they pushed the narrative that her opponent was allegedly vulgar, racist, sexist and dangerous,…

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#LoveTrumpsHate made right

Love Trumps Hate: Trump Loves, Clinton Hates, Trump Trumps

Love trumps hate. Ok, let’s say it’s stipulated. #LoveTrumpsHate is a silly, simplistic slogan used by the Clinton Campaign. Please enjoy their hilarious play on words based on the name of Donald Trump. But if you examine it carefully, it works perfectly only if you read it the other way around. Let’s make a deal: I bet if you follow through my reasoning, you’ll agree I’ve surprised you, and you never saw things this way. You can comment below re: your changing your mind or not. Trump loves   Trumps loves himself immensely. I believe the entire world agrees on this bit. But the process doesn’t stop there. Then his…

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