Podcast: On Trump vs. Biden, insane comments

Mark Cuban on Trump vs. Biden debate, in a tweet

Let’s try this experiment: my comments in audio format, since I cannot seem to be able to find enough time to write things down. Presenting my ideas on the recent debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. I’m focusing on a comment made by Mark Cuban that I found particularly egregious (as many are, these days) in not just missing the point, but reversing a perception of reality. How can you possibly, in the same breath, say that Biden had that kind of awful performance, but he’s not the guy people around the world laugh at? And don’t get me started on who’s the “liar”! Here’s the tweet. You be…

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A Christmas for crucifixes

Getting tired of same ol’ same ol’? Looking for something unique to decorate your Christmas living room? There you go: A rotated Nagorno-Karabakh flag, morphed into an impromptu Christmas tree.   OK, that’s a stretch. Also… A bit off topic? Perhaps you’d feel more comfortable around the classic iconography, which includes Coke Santas, coniferous trees covered with strings of Chinese LED lights and multicolored balls, the whole shebang drenched in red and green hues…   The Republic of Artsakh, as it is called, is one of those states that don’t exist; more precisely, it doesn’t exist since 1991, when they voted in favor of their independence. The corresponding mountainous region…

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Trump vs. Biden: is the incumbent underdog gonna make it, again?

I believe Trump’s gonna win the re-election, polls notwithstanding. A quick recap: last time around, I was one of the first few people to anticipate Trump’s victory, just days after he entered the 2015 Primary race. Being Italian I couldn’t vote, but -next best thing- I at least bet on the outcome (they had to pay my bet 31-to-1). I gave some of the reasons in advance, although I postponed indefinitely explaining the real, deepest motivation for my conviction. This time I’m really not 100% convinced: I still have some limited respect for the sense of decency of some of the mainstream pollsters, despite the fact that after the 2016…

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Biden vs. Trump: a reality check

Check your premises. Let’s examine the issues methodically, focusing on something simple, verifiable and straightforward, then considering the ramifications. I’m an outsider, living in Europe, and I believe looking at things from a distance may help. Scene from the last Presidential Debate: Biden shouts confidently: “I never said I oppose fracking.” Trump complains and says that’s on tape. Biden challenges him to show the alleged tape. After the debate, of course the Trump campaign obliges. Case closed, right? This reminds me of what David Wood says about Muslim apologists: they make up stuff that sounds ludicrous to anyone in the know, but their astounding confidence is the only thing that…

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Toxic feminism, just a random specimen among many

The Medium platform still pushes one-sided content in my email. I now mostly ignore it, after I wrote https://blumudus.com/2018/medium-sucks/ … But today I decided to give it a chance. This time the first article that they promoted was titled: “Why as a Liberal I Read Fox News to Know Who’s Actually Going to Win in November” and it piqued my interest. The incipit of the article: “Remember how bad it felt on election night 2016 when we all realized Hillary had lost?” LOL!!! Anyway, the photo of the author seemed crazily stereotypical, so I clicked to see what else she wrote. The list is hilariously bad, confirming every cliché about…

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The most heartbreaking word: Triage. #Coronavirus

They say Winston Churchill won WWII because, unlike other statesmen, he suffered of depression and was prone to pessimism. Consider by contrast the occasional video footage from real life tragic events: a surreal atmosphere of thoughtlessness pervades the scene just moments before the inevitable. Nothing like in the movies, where actors do everything they can to portray memorable, emotional reactions and the soundtrack creates suspense. Oh no, reality is subtler than that. Here comes the tsunami. Bystanders move a little further: look, here comes a wave. The scene seems ordinary and inconsequential. But then the wave continues. After only a few seconds it’s already sweeping away debris, cars and tree…

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Never underestimate a dumpster fire

You can’t spell doom without BS, and BS is bound to become the Democrat nominee for President. But wait, it gets worse. Yes, this time Bernie Sanders has a real shot at becoming the next President of the United States. Despite the spectacular Trump performance so far, but thanks to Coronavirus Covid-19. First of all, the nomination. The Democrat camp looks like a train wreckage engulfed in a dumpster fire surrounded by diseased hyenas gloomily laughing at the whole spectacle (I don’t do drugs, BTW). Briefly, here’s my assessment, as seen from the point of view of a total outsider, considering the main contenders: – Joe Biden: a pathological liar,…

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From Volare to dhimmitude

Sanremo Festival. Source: RAI TV via Facebook

Politically correct submission is the new normal. Italian Pop Music Competition won by a guy called Mahmoud. Imagine that. The week-long Sanremo Music Festival is the most important event of Italian television, and it has been for decades. Including obsessive media coverage and assorted side scandals. (I’ve previously discussed a Sanremo scandal that didn’t happen: an obviously Satanic-themed song no one but yours truly seems to have identified as such.) If you’re old enough you may remember , the 1958 Festival winning song by Domenico Modugno that stayed atop the US Billboard Hot 100 for 5 weeks and sold 22 million copies across the planet. But those were different times,…

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The toxic Democrat-Media Complex is reaching new lows

Reza Aslan on Twitter commenting on the photo of the elder Native American harassing the smiling Catholic boy: suggesting the boy should be punched

This week in crazy. A group of young teenagers from a Kentucky Catholic high school went to Washington for the annual March for Life. Which is both commendable from the point of view of decent human beings and a grave sin as seen from the Left.   After the March, waiting for their bus, they began to sing a few songs from their school repertoire. Most of them were wearing a MAGA hat, which these days means asking for trouble. They were recognizable as Christians and Right wing, therefore apparently became a magnet for all sorts of crazies wandering the area. On one side there was a tiny group of loony…

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Of trains, violent thugs, Arabic insults and partial journalism

A seemingly insignificant, albeit disturbing, local news episode. On a regional train near Milan. Five youngsters brazenly lying down on their seats, despite the train being packed with commuters, lots of people standing. A passenger rebukes them, they immediately proceed to beat him savagely. He’ll spend a month or so in the hospital due to multiple facial fractures. He’s been saved by an off-duty policeman who happened to be on the same car. Three of the offenders have been arrested. They’re Italian. First of all. They’ve been presented by the media as “ragazzi”, i.e. a word that indicates young teenagers or boys, but they’re between 18 and 25 years old.…

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Trump’s magic wand

It’s not what you think it is. In my latest article I highlighted how dysfunctional and violent the Left has become, connecting together angry mobs and callous Washington Swamp Dwellers. But I suggested that Donald Trump is becoming stronger nonetheless. Even after losing the House of Representatives to the Democrats. How come? I asked the following question: What would you do if a good 40% of your citizens were used to the idea that you’re literally comparable to Hitler? An oppressive regime where virtually everybody that matters is attacking the President. And getting praised for the supposed courage implied by such a conformist act of defiance. As Scott Adams announced: As Trump…

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The poisoned well of American politics

But the genius of Trump morphed a disaster into an opportunity. In the next article I’ll try to explain how this is possible in my estimation. Side Note to the election results. I’m not used to American television. You Americans surely put up with a shocking (and I mean, shocking, exhausting) amount of commercials! At times I thought that the entire point of election coverage was insurance plans and prescription drugs, with frequent interruptions informing us about Arby’s, pillows, windshield wipers, a crooked penis condition (!) and, yes, repetitive announcements about the upcoming interview with a politician…   Midterm: Everybody Wins? The political climate that lead to this US general…

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